Veterinary Medicine Prescription requirement to purchase Varroa Treatments

Recently the Irish Bee Foundation shared with members the notification from DAFM of the impending requirement to obtain a Veterinary Medicine Prescription to purchase Varroa treatments from the 9th June 2025.
The Irish Bee Foundation are delighted to announce that following our recent discussions with DAFM on behalf of our members, the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, and the Marine have announced that the Health Product Regulatory Authority (HPRA) have, upon consideration, decided to maintain their decision from 2019 not to upregulate any of the Varroa treating products that are currently licenced for use in Ireland.
This is good news for Irish beekeepers as it means that the current chain of supply of these products will now not change in June 2025
So, to confirm, on June 9th next year, Irish beekeepers will not need to obtain a prescription for those products to treat Varroa in their hives and the status quo, as it is today, will remain.